научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Ethnocultural component in Saint Petersburg children’s schools of art educational process

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The article raises the question of the need for a comprehensive pedagogical study of educational programs
of ethnocultural orientation in the system of children’s art schools in Saint Petersburg. The author formulates
the directions and tasks of the ethnocultural educational fi eld, which should form general approaches to the
implementation of educational programs, including the ethnic component. The demand for ethno-pedagogy in
children’s art schools is confi rmed by long-term studies of the social demand of the population for educational
services. Young parents, despite the modern trends of mass culture, are trying to fi nd an opportunity to involve
their children in their native culture and the traditional values of their people. It is suggested that children’s art
schools should take the leading role in the fi rst stage of such immersion into the world of folk traditional culture.

  • Марочкина Наталья Викторовна
  • 1. On approval of Strategy of development of educationin Russian Federation for period up to 2025: order of Govern-ment of Russian Federation № 996-р, May 29, 2015. URL: http: //legalacts.ru accessed: 2019–04–19) (in Russ.). 2. Толстой Л. Н. About education: answer to letter byV. F. Bulgakov. Lev Tolstoi: site. Yasnaya Polyana, 2013–2019.URL: http: // tolstoy.ru accessed: 2019–04–19) (in Russ.). 3. Zemtsovskii I. I. Apology of hearing. Muzykal’nayaakademiya. 2002. 1. URL: https:// academia.edu accessed:2019–04–19) (in Russ.).
Authors: Marochkina Natalya Viktorovna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 125-128
УДК: УДК 39.371.398-053.2(470.23-25)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-2-124-127
Keywords: ethnic component, additional education, ethnic pedagogy, ethnocultural educational fi eld, social request, continuity of studying, children’s art schools
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