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Assessment of funds status in regional libraries

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The article deals with the experience of examining the state regional libraries of the Russian Federation
in order to identify deterioration of various types, assess the state, develop and implementation of conservation
program. Methods of describing the state of documents with the fi lling of the electronic preservation data passport
and the formation of databases of the state of documents allowed many libraries to put the work to ensure the
preservation of stocks to a qualitatively new level, providing information support, receipt of the necessary
information about the physical condition of individual documents, stocks/collections in general, rational planning
of conservation activities, fi nancial costs. The possibility of combining the document status database with the
bibliographic database of documents in the «Opac-Global» ABIS based on RUSMARC formats is shown. The data
were obtained as a result of questionnaires, reports of library specialists at numerous seminars held in the National
Library of Russia and regional libraries.

  • Добрусина Светлана Александровна
  • Подгорная Наталья Ивановна
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Authors: Dobrusina Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Podgornaya Natalia Ivanovna
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 138-145
УДК: УДК [027.53:025.7/.9]:303.094.5
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-2-137-144
Keywords: preservation of librarian stocks, preservation of archival stocks, document conservation, survey of librarian stocks, accessibility of librarian stocks, electronic preservation passport, electronic database
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