научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Modern museum: from enlightenment to an educational activity

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In the article results of theoretic-empirical research lasted more than forty years in «Isaakievsky cathedral» museum are generalized. The XXI century museum is not only a storage of objects of history and culture, but also a center of cultural life of the society, influencing constructively on its development. The modern museum shouldn t be limited to enlightening its visitors, but is capable to create a system of educational activity, to involve various groups of people in the world of culture and socio-cultural creativity.
  • Буров Николай Витальевич
  • Герасимов С. А. Мир должен звучать и сиять // Совет. музей. 1985. № 5. С. 64.
Authors: Буров Николай Витальевич
Рубрика: Нет рубрики
Pages: 36-42
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