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Vasilii V. Andreev and modern Russian folk-instrumental art

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More than a hundred years ago the founder of Russian folk instruments orchestra Vasilii V. Andreev formulated
socio-cultural position, artistic and aesthetic principles of folk instrumental art. Changes they have undergone since
then concern their social functions and place in cultural life of society, scientifi c views on the essence of this kind of
music, etc. Modern research demonstrates both positive and negative tendencies in the development of folk music.
Weakening of national element in folk traditions, loss of essential unity of this kind of music, attempts to subdivide
culture into folk and elite seem to be dangerous tendencies caused by globalization process and mistakes of
musicologists as well. Theory of this quickly developing kind of art should support stability of its development.

  • Варламов Дмитрий Иванович
  • 1. Andreev V. V.; Granovskii B. B. (compl.) Materials anddocuments. Moscow: Muzyka, 1986. 351 (in Russ.). 2. Imkhanitskii M. I. Brief dictionary of key terms in con-cept «main directions of development of national academicmusic and performing arts». Proceedings of Saint PetersburgState University of Culture. 2015. 207, 31–44 (in Russ.). 3. Ozhegov S. I. Russian dictionary: 70 000 words. 23rded. Moscow: Russkii yazyk, 1991. 915 (in Russ.). 4. Imkhanitskii M. I. History of performance on Russianfolk instruments. Moscow: Gnesiny Russ. Acad. of Music, 2002.351 (in Russ.). 5. Varlamov D. I. Folk traditions in context of evolutionof national instrumentalism in musical art of Russia 19th−20thcenturies: dis. on competition of sci. degree doctor in artstudies: 17. 00. 09 / Russ. Inst. of Cultural Studies; L. V. SobinovSaratov State Conservatory. Moscow, 2009. 339 (in Russ.).
Authors: Varlamov Dmitrii Ivanovich
Рубрика: Искусствоведение
Pages: 165-170
УДК: УДК 785.1:78.031.4(=161.1)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-2-164-169
Keywords: Vasilii Vasil’evich Andreev, socio-cultural principles of Vasilii V. Andreev, artistic principles of Vasilii V. Andreev, Russian folk instrumental art, theory of national instrumentalism, practice of national instrumentalism
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