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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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Aleksei A. Batalov’ fi rst roles: «new hero» in Soviet cinema

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

Soviet cinema has always been a societal «tuning fork», capturing urgent problems of country’s public life at
every stage of its’ development. Thus, the transitional period of 1950’s was crucial. New forms of narrations, new
types of fi lm heroes and spectators, diff erent approaches in camera works and artistic decisions – all these things
were tightly entwined with social and political changes which took place in USSR after death of Josef Stalin. By
analyzing early work of Alexei Batalov this article investigates principal circumstances of Soviet cinema in 1950’s,
which made possible the appearance of the «new hero». These circumstances, refl ected search for new characters
against the background of that epoch’s changing public consciousness.

  • Лебедев Вячеслав Анатольевич
  • 1. Ryapusova D. N. «What will comrade Bolshakov showus today?»: post-war problems of Ural cinema distributionin context of Stalin’s cinema policy. Vestnik of Perm Univ. Ser.History. 2013. 1 (21), 185–196 (in Russ.). 2. Margolit E. Ya. Soviet cinema: main stages of formationand development: brief essay on history of feature fi lms.Kinovedcheskie zapiski. 2004. 66, 126–208 (in Russ.). 3. Deutscher I. Unfi nished revolution, Russia, 1917–1967.Hobsbawm E. J. Echoes of «Marseillaise»; Deutscher I. Unfi nishedRevolution. Moscow: Inter-Verso, 1991. 161–271 (in Russ.). 4. History of soviet cinema, 1917–1967: in 4 vol. Moscow:Iskusstvo, 1978. 4: 1952–1967. 485 (in Russ.). 5. Kheifi ts I. E. On cinema. Leningrad; Moscow: Iskusstvo,1966. 232 (in Russ.). 6. Kheifi ts I. E. Big family. Sovetskii ekran. 1985. 6, 22 (in Russ.). 7. Batalov A. V., Kvasnetskaya M. G. Dialogues inintermission. Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1975. 192 (in Russ.). 8. Central State Archive of Literature and Art of SaintPetersburg. F. 257. Op. 17. D. 913 (in Russ.). 9. Bogomolov Y. Iosif Kheifi ts. Artist’s portrait. Moscow,1986. URL: https: // chapaev. media (accessed: 2019–04–19)(in Russ.). 10. Katsev I. Aleksei Batalov. Actors of Soviet cinema.Moscow, 1964. URL: https: // chapaev. media (accessed:2019–04–19) (in Russ.). 11. Medvedev A. Who is he? Moscow, 1968. URL: https: //chapaev. media (accessed: 2019–04–19) (in Russ.). 12. Batalov A. V. Actor director. Kheifi ts I. E. Let’s go to cin-ema! Life. Work. Experience. Saint Petersburg: Iskusstvo–SPb,1996. 83–85 (in Russ.). 13. Central State Archive of Literature and Art of SaintPetersburg. F. 182. Op. 2. D. 48 (in Russ.).
Authors: Lebedev Vyacheslav Anatolevich
Рубрика: Искусствоведение
Pages: 171-176
УДК: УДК 791.635-051(47+57)
DOI: enfi l’m, cinema of 1950’s, malokartinya in Soviet cinema
Keywords: history of USSR, Soviet history, cinema of Soviet Union, history of Soviet cinema, history of cinematography, A. V. Batalov, I. E. Kheifi ts, Lenfi l’m, cinema of 1950’s, malokartinya in Soviet cinema
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