научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

The cultural genesis of the Izborsk city

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The article is devoted to the analysis of the specif city of the culture of the cities of the Russian North on the example ofIzborsk. These cities are special centers where many aspects of Russian traditional culture are preserved. At present, against thebackground of the growing processes of globalization, the problem of preserving the appearance and traditional foundationsof cultures involved in global transformations is acute. One of the manifestations of counteraction to this process is localization,expressed in the desire of dif erent cultures to revive their root structures and value-semantic bases in order to preserve their«cultural genome». One of the epicenters of the national culture, where its stable local variation is especially well-preserved isthe Russian North, including the northern cities.Already at the time of their birth, the northern citieshave played a systemically important role, linking together the vastterritory of the young state into a single cultural space, there the formation of value orientations was occurred, the characteristicfeatures of spiritual and material culture were laid. On the example of the ex-city Izborsk some features of small towns areanalyzed, which give reason to consider them as places of formation of specif c features of Russian culture. The presence oftraditional cultural values in the multidimensional cultural space of Izborsk is shown; their signif cance, role and place in thecultural space of modern Russia are considered. Emphasis is placed on the initial phase of cultural genesis of Izborsk and itsinherent sacred and natural landscape characteristics

  • Гладких Елена Борисовна
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Authors: Gladkikh Elena Borisovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 33-38
УДК: УДК 930.85(470.2-21)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-3-33-38
Keywords: culture of Russia, culture of the Russian North, architectonics of culture, cultural genesis, cultural space, traditional values, small town, ex-city
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