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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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World exhibitions and museum construction (1850–1890`s)

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The current museum world is very diverse. Therefore, there now is heightened interest in the epoch during which a signif cantnumber of museums appeared for the f rst time with new subject matter and ways of working with the visitors. This was thesecond half of the 19th century, a time of major political and economic changes in global development. World exhibitions areone of the symbols and achievements of this period, for they witnessed to the supremacy and rivalry of the leading powers onthe world arena. The impact of exhibitions on museum construction is reviewed. It was manifest in two aspects: the rise in thenumber of specialized meetings (many of them appeared for the f rst time just then) and the appeal of new museums to thebroad public, primarily to the workers, who comprised a signif cant portion of the urban population.

  • Куклинова Ирина Анатольевна
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Authors: Kuklinova Irina Anatolievna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 56-60
УДК: УДК 069.9(100)»1850/1890»
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-3-56-60
Keywords: world exhibition, Crystal Palace, museum, museum construction, museology, museum’s visitors
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