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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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Heterotopy in contemporary art culture

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In modern culturology, many new terms have appeared. Among them is the term heterotopia. Gradually, this term is becomingwidely used. The term «heterotopia» is a medical term. It comes from the Greek. «heteros» (other) and «topos» (place) and means thelocation of atypical tissues or parts of organisms in an unusual place for them. He received implementation in modern art culture. Therudiments of heterotopia appeared long ago. As an example, a picture by B. Kustodiev, «A merchant with tea», embodies the icon ofthe Russian dream, the Russian philistine religion. On the example of the work of Natalya Abalkina and Anatoly Zhigunov, heterotopyin modern visual art is shown. In the modern theater, polyform (the term of Pavel Kaplevich) and «verbatim» become the embodimentof heterotopia – a new direction, when everyday conversations are melted into theatrical stage settings. In music, an example ofheterotopia is the combination of dif erent genres, previously unacceptable – academic music, jazz, rock, and other popular trendsof the so-called «pop». In addition, it has become common today to hold concerts in a dark room. This tendency is also characteristicof exhibitions, when only the exhibited works are highlighted. The same phenomena can be traced in the cinema, in poetry

  • Махлина Светлана Тевельевна
  • 1. Eco W. Full back! «Hot Wars» and populism in themedia. Moscow: Eksmo, 2007. 592 (in Russ.).2. Bobrikov A. A. Another history of Russian art. Moscow:Novoe lit. obozrenie, 2012. 744 (in Russ.).3. Abalakova N., Zhigalov A. Tot-Art 1998. Russianroulette. Moscow: Ad Marginem, 1998. 915 (in Russ.).4. Gunitsky A. Notes of the old rocker. Saint Petersburg:Amphora. 2007. 623 (in Russ.).5. Rubinstein L. Pursuit of a hat and other texts. Moscow:Novoe lit. obozrenie, 2001. 251 (in Russ.).6. Bavil’sky D. Scotomization. Dialogues with Oleg Kulik.Moscow: Ad Marginem, 2004 (in Russ.).
Authors: Makhlina Svetlana Tevel’evna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 75-78
УДК: УДК 008:001.4
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-3-75-78
Keywords: heterotopia, artistic culture, innovations, polyform, verbatim, academic music, jazz music, pop music
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