научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Accompaniment of professional self-determination of children and youth in St. Petersburg

  • Annotation
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The article presents an analysis of vocational guidance work in St. Petersburg, the place and role of ac-companying the professional self-determination of children and youth, and the conditions for build-ing a system of ef ective career guidance in St. Petersburg are considered. Ref ects the trend of develop-ment of the modern world, inf uencing the nature, direction and pace of socio-economic development of St. Petersburg. The priority directions of innovation development in the city, various types and forms of activities to accompany the professional self-determination of children and youth, traditional ac-tivities for students and their parents, conducted by various institutions of St. Petersburg are presented.The main problem in vocational guidance work with schoolchildren in St. Petersburg is brought up for discussion – the disorder of a developed vocational guidance environment associated with the lack of state coordination of vo-cational guidance work at the regional level and developed mechanisms of multi-level inter-institutional partner-ship in vocational guidance. Designated private parties identif ed problems

  • Ковалева Ульяна Юрьевна
  • 1. Blinov V. I., Sergeev I. S. and others. The concept ofsupport for professional self-determination of students in thecontext of continuity of education / Center prof. educationand qualif cations systems, Federal. education developmentuniv. Moscow, 2015. 48 (in Russ.).2. On the state program of Saint-Petersburg «Economicdevelopment and knowledge economy in Saint-Petersburg»:resolution of Government of Saint-Petersburg dated23.06.2014 № 496 (accessed: July 4. 2019) (in Russ.).3. Sergeev S. I. Inter-institutional partnership – the basicmechanism for organizing career guidance in the region.Navigator Platform: Career Development: sci.-method. j. 2018.4. 16–23 (in Russ.).
Authors: Kovaleva Uliana Yurievna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 120-125
УДК: УДК 37.048.45-053.6(470.23-25)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-3-120-12
Keywords: professional orientation, professional choice, supra-professional competence, additional education, professional self-determination, self-determinationyouth
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