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Technologies of organizing volunteer activities in higher education institutions

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Volunteering is a form of social activity that can fully ensure the ascent to its highest form – serving the community. However,despite the large pedagogical potential of volunteering, this activity has not been suf ciently studied as a socio-pedagogicalphenomenon, the scientif c community has not justif ed approaches to its modeling, organization and management, and thepositive experience of creating a volunteer movement at a university has not been generalized. In recent years, mass volunteerinitiatives in our country have been caused by various phenomena and events taking place in society, both positive and negative.There is a special interest in volunteering among students, the number of participants in volunteer movements in universities isincreasing every year. The specif city of the activities of volunteer centers in universities of St. Petersburg is analyzed, identif edthe main directions of their activities are identif ed. The “SVOI” volunteering development program proposed by the Associationof Volunteer Centers (Moscow) was studied, within which more than 150 volunteer centers are planned to open in educationalinstitutions throughout Russia by the end of 2019. A model for organizing volunteer activities with elements of socio-culturaltechnologies in universities has been developed. The relevance, purpose and objectives of the model, which contributes to thegrowth of social activity of the student and teaching contingent, are substantiated.

  • Паклина Елена Алексеевна
  • . Mitrofanenko V. V. Realization of the pedagogicalpotential of student social volunteering in the professionaltraining of social work professionals: avtoref. dis. oncompetition of sci. degree PhD in pedagogies: 13.00.08 / NorthCaucasus State Techn. Univ. Stavropol, 2004. 24 (in Russ.).2. Zamakhina T. On a personal example: Vladimir Putincalled the tasks to support volunteering.Russian Newspapes.2018. Dec. 27 (in Russ.).
Authors: Paklina Elena Alekseevna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 130-134
УДК: УДК 316.663-057.876:364
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-3-130-134
Keywords: socio-cultural technologies, socio-cultural activities, student youth, volunteer activities, volun-teering, volunteer, social activity, values, model organization of volunteer activities
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