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«American Walter Scott» in local book illustration

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

James Fenimore Cooper (1789–1851) was a prominent representative of American literary romanticism. For
more than a century and a half, the writer’s work has been a classic of adolescent and youth literature. Cooper’s
novels are divided into several cycles. The most famous is the «pentalogy of the Leather Stocking» («Indian cycle»).
A bright trace in the romantic-adventure genre was left by the writer’s «sea novels», as well as the «European»
novels (the last are interesting because the representative of the New World looks at the dramatic pages of the
history of Spain and Italy, Germany and Switzerland).
Traditionally, the literary work of the great American is analyzed. At the same time, the unique and littlestudied topic of «Cooper studies» remains apart from the art and cultural view: this is the world of illustrations to
the writer’s works, created by outstanding masters of graphics and engraving.

  • Еременко Евгений Дмитриевич
  • 1. Shary A. Sign W: Chief of the Redskins in books andon the screen. М.: Novoe lit. obozrenie, 2009. 248 (in Russ.).2. Stingl M.; Kamenskaya V. A. (transl.), Malevich O. M.(transl.); Kinzhalov R. V. (ed.). The Indians without tomahawks.М.: Progress, 1984. 454 (in Russ.).3. Cooper J. F.; Chistyakova-Ver E. M. (transl.), Repina A. P.(transl.); Andriolli M. (painter). The Last of the Mohicans, or theNarrative of 1757. Cooper J. F. Collected works: in 6 vols. М.: Gos.izd-vo det. lit., 1961. 1, 505–840 (in Russ.).4. Cooper J. F.; Melkova P. (transl.); Andriolli M. (painter).The Last of the Mohicans, or the Narrative of 1757. М.: VitaNova, 2006. 528 (in Russ.).5. Kurbatov V. Ya. A. A. Agin. Leningrad: HudozhnikRSFSR, 1979. 48 (in Russ.).6. Stevenson R.-L.; Chukovsky N. (transl.); Brock G. (painter).Treasure island. М.: Det. lit., 1974. 207 (in Russ.).7. Cooper J. F.; Gritsa T. (transl.); Brock G. (painter).Deerslayer, or the First path of war. Cooper J. F. Collected works:in 6 vols. 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(transl.); Kuskov I. (painter).Mercedes of Castile, or the Voyage to Cathay. Collected works:in 6 vols. М.: Gos. izd-vo det. lit., 1963. 6, 5–442 (in Russ.).19. Welskopf-Henry L.; Devel’ A. (transl.); Kuskov I.(painter). Harka-son of the chief. М.: Pravda, 1990. 368 (in Russ.).20. Jurgen A.; Kuskov I. (painter). Georg-the Blue Bird: adopted son of the Iroquois. Leningrad: Detgiz, 1962. 214 (in Russ.).21. De Coster S.; Gorfel’d A. (transl.); Kuskov I. (painter).Legend of Ulenspiegel. Scott W.; Beketova E. (transl.); KuskovI. (painter). Aivengo: novel. Charles de Coster; Gornfel’d A.(transl.); Kuskov I. (painter). The legend of Ulenspiegel. Kuskov.М.: Det. lit., 1988. 405–712 (in Russ.).22. Cooper J. F.; Smirnova Yu. (transl.), Khinkisa V. (transl.);Godin I. (painter). Sea Sorceress, or the Furrowing Oceans.Cooper J. F. Collected works: in 6 vols. М.: Gos. izd-vo det. lit.,1963. 5, 389–799 (in Russ.).23. Cooper J. F.; Rykova N. (transl.), Meisels S. (transl.);Godin I. (art.). Red Corsair. Cooper J. F. Collected works: in 6 vols.М.: Gos. izd-vo det. lit., 1963. 6, 443–835 (in Russ.).24. Shereshevskaya N. (comp., transl.); Zvereva A.(foreword); Alimov S. (painter). Riding on a hurricane: fromAmerican folklore. М.: Det. lit., 1980. 255 (in Russ.).25. Vashchenko A. (comp., foreword); Usachev N.(painter). Canyon: American prose about the Far West: transl.from English. М.: Molodaya gvardiya, 1983. 431 (in Russ.).26. Shukshin V. M.; Usachev N. (painter). Stories. М.: Mosk.rabochiy, 1980. 256 (in Russ.).27. Scott W.; Beketova E. (transl.), Kuskov I. (painter).Aivengo: novel. Scott W.; Gornfeld A. (transl.); Kuskov I.(painter). Charles de Coster. Scott W.; Kuskov I. (painter). Thelegend of Ulenspiegel. М.: Det. lit., 1988. S. 3–404.28. Sat-Ok; Stadnichenko Y. (transl., afterword);Cassil L. (foreword); Ovchinnikov K. (painter). Land of SaltRocks. Mysterious footprints. Leningrad: Det. lit., 1980.304 (in Russ.).29. Eremenko E. D. 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Authors: Еременко Евгений Дмитриевич
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 23-28
УДК: УДК 821.111-311.6(73)"18":769.2
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-1-23-28
Keywords: American literature of the romantic era, history of the United States, culture of the United States, history of the North American Indians, culture of the North American Indians, culture of Europe, book illustration, cinema, film editor
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