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Cultural environment as a factor of a musician-performer’s personality formation

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The features of the cultural environment as a factor in the formation of the personality of the musicianperformer are revealed. An analysis of the environmental forming impact and conditions in the common
system has been done along with research of pre-professional and professional education in the performing
Arts field. Synergistic and acmeological approaches and potentials in organizing the process of formation of
professional and personal characteristics in the cultural environment have been demonstrated. Folk musical
instruments are considered as products of materialistic and intangible cultural heritage, forming values and
cultural preferences. The specificity and multidimensionality of the cultural environment in various forms
of musical performance is shown, so is education, in the processes of generating professional resources,
understanding and professional awareness of personal work, empowering yourself through your own
representation in the performance. Opportunities to form and improve the cultural environment have been
identified together with mechanisms for the gradual development and development of the personality of a

  • Рытов Дмитрий Анатольевич
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Authors: Rytov Dmitrii Anatolievich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 76-81
УДК: УДК 78.071.2:37.03
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-1-76-81
Keywords: cultural environment, synergistics, acmeology, musical performing, personality formation, cultural heritage
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