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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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Cermamics of Miyagawa Kozan (1842–1916): the search of artistic identity in the cultural change’s epoch

  • Annotation
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  • List of references
Creative career of Japanese ceramist Miyagawa Kozan shows the search and the discovery of artistic identity in the epoch of rapid modernization and Europeanization of Japan and the country’s joining to the international artistic process. Japanese Export style of decorative art was formed with the demands of market and European technologies introduction. In these circumstances, Kozan was the ancestor of a new truely national artistic style, which had an impact on the Japanese and European art.
  • Егорова Анна Алексеевна
  • Кудрявцева Т. В. Русский императорский фарфор. СПб, Славия, 2003. С. 270–281.
  • Оно Ёсихиро:. Кёяки: Мияко-но исё: то вадза / Кё:то кокурицу хакубуцукан. Киото, 2006. На яп. яз. Пер на рус. яз.: Оно Ёсихиро. Керамика Киото: дизайн и техники столицы / Национальный музей. Киото, 2006.
  • Фарфор и стекло Дании и Швеции: кат. выставки / сост. Т. Носович, М. Закке. Рига, 1991. С. 11.
  • Японская керамика Сацума в собрании Эрмитажа: кат. выставки / сост. Т. Б. Арапова, А. А. Егорова; Гос. Эрмитаж. СПб, 2009. Кат. № 56.
  • Bringing East and West: Japanese ceramics from Kozan studio: selections from the Perry Foundation / ed. by K. Emerson-Dell. Baltimore: The Walters Art Gallery, 1995.
  • Gisela Jahn Meiji ceramics: the art of Japanese export porcelain, 1868–1912. Arnoldche, 2005. P. 131.
  • Jahn G. Meiji ceramics: the art of Japanese export porcelain, 1868–1912. Arnoldche, 2005.
  • Miyajima Hisao. S. Bing’s visit to Japan // Bul. of the Study of Japonisme. 1982. Vol. 2. S. 29–33.
  • Pollard C. Master Potter of Meiji Japan: Makuzu Kozan (1842–1916) and his workshop. Oxford; New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2002. 173 p.
Authors: Egorova Anna Alekseevna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 153-158
УДК: 738(520) Мияга6а Код3ан
Keywords: decorative arts, ceramics, porcelain, Japan, tradition, national, artistic identity, cultural mutual influence, cultural changes
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