научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Scientific and practical conference «Museum in Culture. Culture in Museum»

  • Annotation
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In article results scientific and practical conference devoted 25 anniversary of Department of museology and cultural heritage of Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts are analyzed. Consideration of the role and museum place in culture and reflections in its collections, expositions and exhibitions historical and modern cultural processes was the purpose of conference. In reports more than 100 participants of conference were discussed problems in the following directions: «Historical mission of the museum in space of world culture», «Presentation and interpretation of historical and cultural heritage in the museum», «Memory and monuments as objects of a Musefication», «Modern technologies of interaction with museum audience», «Museum and cultural tourism».
  • Мастеница Елена Николаевна
  • Николаева Наталия Сергеевна
Authors: Mastenitsa Elena Nikolaevna
Nikolaeva Nataliya Sergeevna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 188-189
УДК: 061.3:069
Keywords: Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, Department of museology and cultural heritage, Nadezhda I. Sergeyeva (1920–2011), mission of the museum in space of world culture, presentation and interpretation of historical and cultural heritage in the museum, museum and cultural tourism
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