научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

«The Birth of Europe» by Jacques Le Goff as unified cultural space

  • Annotation
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This article analyzes the historical-cultural concept of the French scientist Jacques Le Goff, which examines the main tendencies of the historical process of formation and development of European civilization as a unified cultural space. The author analyzes the historical features of Europe as a «Long Middle Ages», highlighting the history of intellectual life; the history of mentalities; the history of value orientations. The author distinguishes four elements in European civilization: 1) the development of cities and urban lifestyles; 2) the development of trade and commercial activity «merchants of Europe»; 3) the establishment of the universities «intellectual Europe»; 4) the spread of Christianity as the spiritual Foundation of European civilization.
  • Иконникова Светлана Николаевна
  • Ле Гофф Ж. Другое средневековье: время, труд и культура Запада. Екатеринбург, 2000.
  • Ле Гофф Ж. История Европы, рассказанная детям. М., 1998.
  • Ле Гофф Ж. Рождение Европы. СПб., 2007.
  • Ле Гофф Ж. Средневековый мир воображаемого. М., 2001. С. 38.
  • Ле Гофф Ж. Цивилизация средневекового Запада. М., 1992.
  • Ле Гофф Ж. Человек в истории. М., 1991.
Authors: Ikonnikova Svetlana Nikolaevna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 23-28
УДК: 930.85(4)
Keywords: civilization, mentality, value orientations, European, world, Nations, ethnic groups, pilgrimages, universities, Christian world, cultural space, identity, secular culture, Christian commandments
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