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Structural-semiological approach to museum and museum object: towards analysis of theory by E. Taborsky

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This concept of a Canadian semiologist E. Taborsky is analyzed, developed socio-structural approach to understanding the phenomenon of the museum and semiotic approach to the evaluation of the museum object. In the general context of her research main attention was paid to her two most influential articles: «The sociostructural role of the museum» and «The discursive object». From her point of view, the museum is a part of a set of social practices surrounding a particular structural pattern of understanding of the environment and interact with it. A museum object exists as a sign, its interpretation is determined by the social framework of the society to which it belongs. Using to the concept of discourse, Taborsky offers relevant to the present situation the concept of museum and museum object.
  • Ананьев Виталий Геннадьевич
  • Ананьев В. Г. Лестерская школа музеологии: история, персоналии, идеи // Вестн. С.-Петерб. ун-та. Сер. 2. История. 2013. Вып. 2. С. 127-134.
  • Волькович А. Ю. Музейная экспозиция как семиотическая система: автореф. дис. … канд. культурологии. СПб., 1999.
  • Калугина Т. П. Художественный музей как феномен культуры. СПб., 2008.
  • Махлина С. Т. Семиотический аспект музейной экспозиции // Тр. СПбГАК. 1997. Т. 147: Музей в современной культуре. С. 109-119.
  • Taborsky E. Architectonics of semiosis. New York, 1998.
  • Taborsky E. Man Deer Hunt: cognitive patterns underlying social behavior. Toronto, 1991.
  • Taborsky E. The discursive object // Objects of knowledge / ed. by S. Pearce. London; Atlantic Highlands, 1990. P. 50-77. (New research in museum studies: an intern. ser.).
  • Taborsky E. The semiotic structure of societies: the four verbs of cognition // Methodology and science. 1988. Vol. 21, is. 3. P. 202-214.
  • Taborsky E. The sociostructural role of the museum // Intern. j. of museum management and curatorshiр. 1982. Vol. 1, is. 4. P. 339-345.
  • Taborsky E. The textual society. Toronto, 1997.
Authors: Ananiev Vitaly Gennadievitch
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 64-68
УДК: 069.01
Keywords: museum, museum object, museology, sign, syntax, semiology, E. Taborsky
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