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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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To the history of the formation of the Iranian collections in the Russian Ethnographic Museum fund

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The mechanisms of formation of the Iranian funds of the Russian Ethnographic Museum are analyzed in the
article. The series of collections acquired at the beginning of the 20th century for this collection, indicates the
relevant interest towards the multi-ethnic culture of Iran, in which female images, with an outstandingly exotic
character for Europeans, have a special place. The accompanying archival materials of the collections, in particular,
the correspondence between expeditionist-collector S. Ter-Avetisyan, a student of the Imperial St. Petersburg
university, and the curator of the museum K. Inostrantsev, demonstrate, on the one hand, the wide range of
research programs of the orientalist s tudents at the beginning of the last century, and on the other, a researcher’s
high status in the Russian Empire.

  • Гущян Лусинэ Степановна
  • 1. Dmitriev S.V. The fund of the EthnographicDepartment of the Russian Museum for the Culture of thePeoples of the Foreign East: the history of formation and fate(1901-1930s). SPb: Philological Faculty. St. Petersburg StateUniversity, 2012.828 p. (in Russ.)2. Archive of the Russian museum of ethnography. Fund1. Inventory 2. Case 625. (in Russ.)3. Ter-Avetisyan S. V. Catalog of Armenian manuscriptsof the Church of the Savior of New Julfa. Volume A. Vienna:Mkhitaryan printing house, 1970. 926 p. (in Arm.)4. Persian enderun. Letters from Tehran // EuropeanJournal. № 10.1886.URL: http: //www.vostlit.info/Texts/Dokumenty/Persien/XIX/1880-1900/D_K/text.phtml? Id =8214 (accessed 20.04.2020) (in Russ.)5. Ter-Avetisyan S.V. Armenological researches. Yerevan:«Gitutyun hratarakchutyun», 2010. 502 p. (in Arm.)
Authors: Gushchian Lusine Stepanovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 18-21
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-3-18-21
Keywords: ethnography, museum collections, Iranian collections, Orientalism, S. Ter-Avetisyan, K. Inostrantsev
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