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New museology: modern understanding of the concept

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New museology as a system of views was formed in the 1980s. It was the result of comprehending the many
and remarkably diverse regional experiences of creating new museums. They arose on the initiative of individual
communities and actualized the values that were represented by the elements of the heritage of certain groups
of the population. This is how museums focused on social relations were born. Even though the main texts of the
ideologists of the new museology were published in the first half of the 1990s, interest in it is not diminishing.
Many modern specialists again pay attention to the determination of the place of new museums in the history
of museum business, considering them as direct heirs of educational projects of the late 18th century. Moreover,
recently the question of the research field of museology as a science has been raised again. Evaluation of the
ideas of new museology as a system of views forces us to abandon the understanding of this trend only as one
of the stages in the development of museology. Researchers are confident that it was the new museology,
which interpreted museum practice and formed its own system of values, that formed the basis of that broad
interpretation of the research field, which is still considered relevant.

  • Куклинова Ирина Анатольевна
  • 1. Mairesse Fr. International discussion of the conceptof «museum»: discussion results. Global trends and museumpractice in Russia: coll. of art. of intern. sci. conf. / ed.A. A. Sundieva. Moscow, 2019. 31–41 (in Russ.).2. Mairesse Fr. Introduction. Histoire de la muséologie.Quelques fi gures marquantes du monde muséal francophone /ed. Fr. Mairesse. Paris, 2020. 7–13.3. Desvallées A. (sous la dir.), Mairesse Fr. (sous la dir.).Dictionnaire encyclopédique de muséologie. Paris: ArmandColin. 2011. 722.4. Lorente J. P. De la nouvelle muséologie à la muséologiecritique: une revendication des discourse interrogatifs, plurielset subjenctifs. Nouvelles tendances de la muséologie / sous ladir. de Fr. Mairesse. Paris, 2016. 55–66.5. Desvallées A. Introduction. Publics et Musées. 2000.17–18: L’écomusée: rêve ou réalité / sous la dir. A. Desvallées,11–31.6. Chaumier S. Pourquoi la muséologie ne devra plusêtre une composante du patrimoine. Nouvelles tendances dela muséologie / sous la dir. de Fr. Mairesse. Paris, 2016. 67–80.7. Deloche B. André Desvallées, penseur de la nouvellemuséologie. ICOFOM Study Series. 2014. Hors-série. 149–159.8. Soares Br. Br. L’invention et la réinvention de la Nouvelle Muséologie. ICOFOM Study Series. 2015. 43а, 57–72.9. Lorente P. J. The development of museology as a university discipline: from technical training to critical museology.The Issues of museology. 2011. 2 (4), 45–64 (in Russ.).10. Desvallées A. (comp.), Mairesse Fr. (comp.);Uryadnikova A. V. (transl.). Key concepts of museology.Moscow, 2012. 102 (in Russ.).11. Jacobi D. Muséologie et acceleration. Nouvellestendances de la muséologie / sous la dir. de Fr. Mairesse.Paris, 2016. 27–39
Authors: Kuklinova Irina Anatolievna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 68-72
УДК: УДК 069.01
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-3-68-72
Keywords: museology, nouvelle muséologie, ICOFOM, MINOM, ecomuseum
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