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Compositional and production competence of the head of the choreographic team

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  • List of references

The professional competence of the head of the choreographic collective is a single complex of
interdependent and inextricably linked individual types of competencies, each of which requires a meaningful
approach to the process of their formation, formation and development. The presented results of the analysis
of modern research in the field of improving the professional training of future leaders of the choreographic
collective for professional pedagogical activity prove that the implementation of the ideas of a competencybased approach in modern choreographic education is the standard of high-quality training of a specialist
whose main goal is the formation of professional competent leader of the choreographic team. The artistic
and creative competence of the leader of the choreographic collective is an important component of his
holistic professional competence, which is characterized by the totality of the former special competencies and
the qualities of his personality necessary for solving professional and creative tasks. The study of the specifics
of artistic and creative activity, the stages of the work of the baletmeister on the creation and formulation
of the dance composition is among the objectives of the study. According to the results of the study,
revealing the multifacetedness of the creative processes of creating a choreographic work «from concept to

118 Вестник СПбГИК № 3 (44) сентябрь · 2020
implementation» and characterized by insufficient development of the artistic and creative competence of the
head of the choreographic collective, the main compositional and production competencies were identified:
actual significant structural components and essential characteristics are disclosed. It is concluded that the
field of learning to create a dance composition and its staging has been studied a little, and the formation of
compositional and production competencies is one of the main tasks facing teachers of special disciplines of
universities of culture and art. The presented research results within the framework of this article are intended to
use the relevant data as for the professional pedagogical work of the teaching staff: determining the principles
for the formation of structural components; identification and implementation of the necessary pedagogical
conditions; development of criteria and indicators for diagnosing the formation of compositional and stagesetting competencies, as well as for educational activities of students – future specialists in the process of
creating compositions and staging the dance.

  • Борисенко Татьяна Сергеевна
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Authors: Borisenko Tatyana Sergeevna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 117-124
УДК: УДК 793.3:378.14
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-3-117-124
Keywords: professional competence, preparation for creative activity, choreographic education, educational program, choreographer’s skill, choreographic composition, composition of a dance composition
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