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Russian cosmism and posthumanism

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The article is devoted to the original cultural phenomenon of Russian cosmism. The purpose of this article is to
show an alternative to posthuman scenarios of the future that Russian cosmism contains. The period of formation
of Russian cosmism is proposed to be associated with the penetration of the idea of evolution into culture in the
second half of the XIX century. The article analyzes the concepts of posthumanism and transhumanism. It is shown
that these systems of ideas about the posthuman future are based on the growing authority of technology. The
article argues that manufacturability is becoming the most important characteristic of modern culture. It is shown
that the influential idea of the possibility of replacing all living things with artificial ones is associated with the
displacement of the idea of the universal energeticity of existence to the periphery of culture. Russian cosmism
defends the idea of a living and developing universe permeated with various energies, which can perform a
heuristic function when creating post-nonclassical scientific theories.

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Authors: Alexandrov Il’ya Yur’evich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 6-10
УДК: УДК 130.2(=161.1)”185”:2-17
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-2-6-10
Keywords: culture, сultural phenomenon, Russian cosmism, posthumanism, transhumanism, evolution
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