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New architectonics of the museum space: «In a Room and a Half. Joseph Brodsky Museum»

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The article analyzes the experience of creating a private museum «In a Room and a Half. Joseph Brodsky Museum» in St. Petersburg. A museological interpretation of the concept and exposition of the new museum is presented from the standpoint of authenticity, the loss of the objective environment and the refusal to reimburse it, which is unusual for a museum space, but correlates with the poetics of I.A. Brodsky. The methods and peculiarities of interpretation of the essay «In a Room and a Half» as a source of designing the concept of the museum space are revealed. New approaches to the relationship between the memorial and public areas of the museum are outlined.
Analyzed the extent to which the design solution determines the characteristics of the presence and guides the interaction of spectators in the museum space. This museum project solves the important task of preserving the memory of I. A. Brodsky in St. Petersburg and presentation of his creative heritage. Its architectonics is viewed in the context of the varied development strategies of a modern museum.

  • Балаш Александра Николаевна
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Authors: Balash Aleksandra Nikolaevna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 11-17
УДК: УДК 069-027.551:929
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-2-11-17
Keywords: I. A. Brodsky, «In a Room and a Half», Muruzi’s house, private museum, authenticity, museum space, photography in the museum
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