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Choreographic preparation as a component of the musical artist’s professional education

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Musical is one of the most colorful types of dramatic art. The harmonious combination of vocal, dramatic and choreographic performance enables you to immerse the viewer as much as possible in the era and plot of the performance. It is necessary to receive high-quality professional training in the field of vocals, acting and choreography in order that the actor could skillfully express the character and right emotions from a scene to the auditorium. There are various programs and technologies for preparing a musical artist and a musical theater artist in the modern Russian system of education. The article analyzes the amount of time allocated to the main disciplines in the training program of the «Musical Actor.» Basically, a significant skew goes towards acting, although the profession of a musical artist implies ownership of all components equally. The emphasis is mainly on acting, although the profession of a musical artist implies the possession of all components equally.
The role of choreography in the preparation of the musical actor is not sufficiently considered and does not allow making educational process effective and full-fledged. The author of the article proposes methodological recommendations for synthesizing vocal and choreographic performance, which is an important aspect in the preparation of the musical actor.

  • Ежова Елизавета Александровна
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Authors: Ezhova Elizaveta Alexandrovna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 133-137
УДК: УДК [792.54:782.8]:793.3
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-2-133-137
Keywords: musical, musical actor, choreography, vocal and choreographic preparation, methodological recommendations for the musical artist, synthesis of vocal and choreographic performance, an integrated approach
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