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Editor as a phenomenon of Soviet art culture

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The article is devoted to understanding the image of the Soviet editor in Russian art (using examples of fiction and cinema). The author examines the personal qualities that contributed to the entry of a person into the profession («editorial character») and provides a chronological observation of the «editorial evolution» – in publishing and film production-throughout the Soviet period and the first years of Russia in the 1990s. An important aspect that has been updated since the early 1920s is the active inclusion of women in editorial work. The characteristics of editors of different Soviet periods are analyzed using examples from the prose of M. Bulgakov, V. Shishkov, L. Rakhmanov, A. Tobolyak, V. Astafyev. Portraits of Soviet film editors are considered in the works of J. Gausner, N. Bogoslovsky, V. Makanin, D. Rubina and M. Kuraev. Representatives of the editorial profession are also represented in the films of A. Tarkovsky, V. Zheregy, K. Shakhnazarov and A. Benckendorf. There are two main types in the artistic depiction of editors and their activities: satirical (in a pointed form ridiculing personal and professional shortcomings) and dramatic (reflecting the complexity of editorial characters in their inseparability with the influence of society, historical era). In the final part of the article, the vectors of professional diffusions in the film-editing corps are outlined with the end of the Soviet era and the need to adapt to the new, post-Soviet realities.

  • Еременко Евгений Дмитриевич
  • Прошкова Зоя Вячеславовна
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Authors: Еременко Евгений Дмитриевич
Proshkova Zoya Vyacheslavovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 31-38
УДК: УДК 726.825.2:7.025.4
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-2-31-38
Keywords: editor’s profession, image editor in literature and cinema, professional qualities of the editor, gender aspect in the image of the editor, editor and professional ethics, editorial memoiristics
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