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Pedagogical model of development experience formation spheres of artistic and figurative representations

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The article actualizes the problem of activating the experience of enriching the sphere of representations of artistic and figurative perception of music by students at music colleges studying the subject «Musical literature». A study of the awareness of this problem in the musical and pedagogical environment is conducted.
The conditions and mechanism of pedagogical influence on the stimulation of the processes of imaginative perception of music, the activation of artistic imagination is analyzed. The sphere of representations of artistic and figurative perception of music is considered as a personal education, a special kind of aesthetic experience, based on the ability of the human consciousness to operate with various artistic forms of embodiment. The author substantiates the idea that the processes of music perception become deeper and more conscious if the methods of developing associative and metaphorical components of thinking are included in the methodology of teaching musical and historical disciplines. The pedagogical model of the formation of the sphere of artistic and figurative representations in the process of musical classes with students is a set of methods that develop imagination, creative thinking, aesthetic, emotional and sensory perception of music, as well as the education of self-expression confidence. The individual level of saturation of processes in the field of artistic and figurative representations in the mind of each individual student can be checked according to the following criteria: information-cognitive, sensory-emotional, value-based, communicative, and creative-activity-based. The typology of students in these types of activities is given.

  • Печерица Анна Станиславовна
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Authors: Печерица Анна Станиславовна
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 154-162
УДК: УДК 78:37.036
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-2-154-162
Keywords: artistic image, intuition, inspiration, creativity, developing learning, conversation, discussion, musician-performer
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