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Music education in the context of new information and distance technologies

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

HSE study: 74% of teachers who did not use online resources now use them. Lead education. 2020. Apr. 15. URL:
https://vogazeta.ru/articles/2020/4/15/analitycs/12567- issledovanie_vshe_74_uchiteley_ne_polzovavshihsya_ onlayn_resursami_teper_ih_primenyayut? (accessed: May.02.2020) (in Russ.).
|Digital literacy of Russians: research in 2020. NAFI. 2020. Apr. 10. URL: https://nafi.ru/analytics/tsifrovayagramotnost-rossiyan-issledovanie-2020/ (accessed: May.02.2020) (in Russ.).
| Karaseva M., Uvarov S. Musician and the Internet: on the specifics of the perception of new technologies in a professional humanitarian society. Cultural and political aspects of American studies: materials of the intern. conf. /ed. M. R. Kaul. Moscow, 2013. 308–318(in Russ.).
| Karaseva M. V. Musician-teacher online: problems and solutions. Scientific Bulletin of the Moscow Conservatory. 2020. 2, 22–65 (accessed: May.02.2020) (in Russ.).
| Meeting of the Council for Culture and Art. President of the Russian Federation: website. 2020. Oct. 27. URL: http:// www.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/64288 (accessed: May.02.2020) (in Russ.).
|Ekaterina Mechetina: «I ask to recognize our system at the official level as a national treasure». Approximate transcript of the speech at the round table chaired by the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V. R. Medinsky on the topic «Ways of development of children’s art schools». URL: https://www.classicalmusicnews.ru/articles/ekaterina-mechetina-ya-proshu-priznat-nashu-sistemu-naoficialnom-urovne-kak-nacionalnoe-dostoyanie/ (accessed:May.02.2020) (in Russ.).
| Karaseva M. «Augmented reality» in the work of a music teacher. Scientific Bulletin of the Moscow Conservatory. 2016. 2 (25), 141–183. URL: URL: https://nv.mosconsv.ru/дополненная-реальность-в-работе-пе/ (accessed: May.02.2020) (in Russ.).
| Electronic educational resources. Music Publishing House. 2020 July 22. URL: https://www.musica.ru/pages/eprojects-eor/ (accessed: May.02.2020) (in Russ.).

  • Торопкова Евгения Ростиславовна
  • The article is dedicated to the analysis of forms and methods of application of information technologies in the educational process of children’s art schools in the implementation of programs in the field of musical performance. The article considers the synthesis of the unconditional preservation of the existing traditions of the primary level of the Russian music school and the methodological expediency of using new technologies in the educational process of children’s art schools. Specific software developments, electronic educational resources are proposed for use, the application effect in the educational process is described. The article shows that the introduction of new musical information technologies provides additional opportunities for musicians when working with musical scores, orchestral parts, when performing creative tasks in subjects of the theoretical cycle. The article also discusses and analyzes the interactive educational programs of the series «Playing with Music».
Authors: Toropkova Evgeniya Rostislavovna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 127-132
УДК: УДК [78:37]:[004:001.895]
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-2-127-132
Keywords: information technology, music education traditions, technique educational programs
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