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Educational online platforms in the cultural practices of modern students

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Currently, online educational platforms are being actively implemented in various types of cultural practices. The student environment was no exception. For the modern student, the priority categories are mobility, efficiency, structuredness. As the results of empirical research among student youth have shown, in a rapidly changing world, young people place an emphasis on personal development and self-realization in the professional sphere. The concept of «self-made man» is a priority for them and based on which the choice of those forms, resources and methods that will help to achieve the set goal are constructed. One such effective resource is online educational platforms. Russian-language, English-language projects and programs allow not only to quickly obtain the necessary information in a simple, accessible form, but also to make cognitive content a part of students’ leisure activities.

  • Васильева Елена Евгеньевна
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Authors: Vasileva Elena Evgenevna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 12-17
УДК: УДК 374.3:004.771
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-3-12-17
Keywords: online platforms, students, youth, cultural practices, educational resource, hackathon, self-realization, self-development
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