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Sensitivity as a category of digital culture

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An important part of modern culture has become attention to the inner world of a person, sensitivity to personal and other people’s experiences. Social media creates a special emotional communication space that demonstrates the importance of not only the thing itself, but also the principles of its creation and presentation. The prerequisites for the formation of a new ethics can be considered critical theory, anti-fascism, ideas of moral economics associated with neo-Marxism. The era when the «death of an event» led to the emergence of an «event economy» and the desire to monitor any sensations and emotions is directed not into depth and into eternity, but into success and satisfaction with oneself and the surrounding world here-and-now. Digital culture has become a serious tool in the development of the discourse of tolerance, in the criticism of phenomena that do not correspond to the new ethics. Another important factor is the active self-organization of users around ethical values and the high speed of circulation of information in the digital community. Intercultural sensitivity from the phenomenon associated with ethnic, national differences spread to the subcultural level. Criticism of this trend is associated with both commercialization, rationalization of feelings, including «the event economy» and with the fear of restricting freedom of speech as an important part of a democratic society. On the other hand, researchers say that along with the promotion of the ideas of moral economy, there is an increase in marketing speculation on new cultural values, the development of the exploitation of ethical principles for commercial purposes. A separate issue is the criticism of the new ethics from the standpoint of the values of liberalism. Digital media clearly show current trends in the development of culture, become a platform for their formation and a platform for their analysis.

  • Демшина Анна Юрьевна
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Authors: Demshina Anna Yur’evna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 18-24
УДК: УДК [316.733:17]:004
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-3-18-24
Keywords: digital culture, sensitivity as a category of culture, ethics, event economics, intercultural sensitivity, media culture
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