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The method of experiment in the drama of popular science film

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references
An important component of the drama in scientific-popular film is the method of experiment. The article
analyzes the ways of applying this method in the historical context of the Soviet educational and scientific-
cognitive cinema, and on modern media examples. A dramatic experiment is always appropriate in cases when a
popular science film contains elements of a feature (fiction) film, the classic examples of which are presented in
the films of S.Raitburt and P.Klushantsev. No less interesting are examples of fiction creations that are essentially
scientific-popular (tapes which are dedicated to the life and work of great scientists). The article also discusses the
possibilities of such traditional method of the scientific-popular cinema as a voiceover (voiceover text). The modern
stage of cinema, which carries educational scientific ideas, is especially vividly represented by television programs
for all ages, the purpose of which is to awaken the interest of a natural scientist in a young viewer. The nal part
analyzes the causes of shortcomings and omissions in popular science cinema, notes the editorial contribution to
increasing its potential
  • Еременко Евгений Дмитриевич
  • Макаров Николай Витальевич
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Authors: Еременко Евгений Дмитриевич
Makarov Nikolay Vitalievich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 25-31
УДК: УДК 791.229:82-293.7
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-3-25-31
Keywords: scientific-popular film, scientific-popular television program, experimental method, film drama, film editing, narrator’s text, scientific-popular journalism, audience
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