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Memorialization of the Great War 1914–1918 in Belgium

  • Annotation
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The article discusses the practice of preserving the memory of the events of the First World War in Belgium in the memorial complexes and museums. Despite the widespread social demand for commemoration in the Kingdom of the Belgians, a significant part of whose territory during the war years turned into a theater of military operations, the establishment of national and provincial memorials and museums faced many problems.
Special attention is paid to internal regional and national contradictions in Belgian society, which hindered the development of a unified state policy in the field of memorialization and musealization. The difference in understanding and interpretation of the military-political events of 1914–1918. among Flemish and Walloon politicians and ethnic groups led to the fact that the process of developing a «common» historical and cultural memory of the victims and heroes of the First World War stretched for a century after its end.
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Authors: Mankov Sergei Aleksandrovich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 32-37
УДК: УДК 069(493):94(4)”1914/18”
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-3-32-37
Keywords: First World War, Belgium, Wallonia, Flanders, memorialization, war memorials, museumification, military history museums, museums of Belgium
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