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Interpretation of the literary text in the museum space

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The article is devoted to the consideration of the types and methods of interpretation of the literary text in the museum. Regarding the texts of fiction, the potential of book illustration, painting, graphics, sculpture, musical-theatrical and film interpretation in the representation of the literary heritage is analyzed. Through the prism of visualization as the dominant trend in modern culture, the possibilities of museum expositions and exhibitions in the interpretation of the literary text are revealed. It is noted that the variety of forms of museum interpretation testifies to the fact that literary subjects, their dynamics, poetics and stylistics, imaginative systems remain in demand in the era of visual culture.

The visualization of the literary text has noticeably reduced public interest in reading books, since reading can be easily replaced with comics, television series, computer games, animation. The need for new forms of «reading» literary texts is confirmed by a significant number of visual interpretations of well-known and popular works of literature, embodied in various forms. In relation to literary textual-illustrative, theatrical-musical, and especially expositional and exhibition interpretations, it is possible to reveal intangible meanings and values that are actualized in the communicative space of the museum.

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Authors: Mastenitsa Elena Nikolaevna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 38-46
УДК: УДК 069.5:82
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-3-38-46
Keywords: literary text, interpretation, museum, visualization, museum exposition, exhibition
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