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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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«Rukami vospleshchem»: for the anniversary of Elena Evgenievna Vasilieva

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The article is devoted to the formation and development of the scientific, pedagogical and creative path of the candidate of art historian, associate professor of the department of Russian folk song art SPbSUC, a member of the Union of Composers of St. Petersburg Elena Evgenievna Vasilieva. The main stages of the biography and the results of activity are considered. The article discloses the contribution of E. E. Vasilieva to the development of the St. Petersburg school of musical folkloristic and pedagogy. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of its multifaceted pedagogical work at the department, discoveries in the field of Russian musical culture of the XVII– XVIII centuries, publications of folklore materials.

  • Молчанова Татьяна Станиславовна
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  • Nekrylova A. F. (comp.), Vasilyeva E. E. (comp.). Cycleof folklore and ethnographic disciplines: program of lecturecourses: spec. 053000 «Folk art», spec. «Folk song art» / Saint-Petersburg State Univ. of Culture and Arts. SPb.: Saint-PetersburgState Univ. of Culture and Arts, 2016, 2006. 104. (Courseprograms: Russian musical folklore, Traditional polyphony,History of Russian folklore, Folklore and children) (in Russ.).
  •  Vasilyeva E. E. [et all]; Pashina O. A. (ed.). Folk musicalcreativity: [textbook for univ.: add. ...] / Min. of Education andScience of the Russ. Federation, State Inst. of Art Studies.SPb.: Compositor, 2014. 567. (Academia XXI: textbooks andtraining manuals for culture and art) (in Russ.).
Authors: Molchanova Tatiana Stanislavovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 47-53
УДК: УДК 78.031.4(=161.1):78.071.4(470.23-25)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-3-47-53
Keywords: Elena Evgenievna Vasilieva, Russian folk song art, folklore expeditions, technique deciphering folk songs, vepsian melodic stanza, handwritten songwrites, New Jerusalem School, Psalmopevcy
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