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Content of the final qualification thesis of the students of the study program «Social and cultural activities»

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The article describes the role of final qualification thesis in professional self-determination of the students of study program “Social and cultural activities” and investigates a choice mechanism of the research problem as well as particularities of theme formulation of the thesis in accordance with modern needs of professional field and competencies acquired during the studying.
A current research is based on final qualification thesis of the students of department Social and cultural and library activities of the Novosibirsk state pedagogical university over the last five years. The key topics of the final thesis are systemized and categorized as following: organizational and content aspects and technological processes of social and cultural sphere, activity and cultural event management, marketing research of cultural and leisure products and services, social and cultural design, characterization of forms and means of social and cultural activities, and particularities of leisure time spending for different age groups. Also, the types of social and cultural institutions and kinds of cultural and leisure formations as research bases are in the focus of the article. Recently the students showed their interest to new forms and technologies connected to development of art initiatives, realization of experimental art labs activities, and search for some methods of social loneliness overcoming. We evaluate such research of creative industries development in cultural sphere and usage of social and cultural technologies to form a cultural brand of a region as very promising as it could be practiced. As a result, we developed recommendations for improving the final qualification thesis met the interests of both professional field and study program goals. It is especially important to rise a motivation of early choice of the research field for the students and is studying in both academic and extracurricular activities.
A complex topic improves research competencies of the students because of getting access to the resource base, results of experiments, and cooperation research programs. In addition, it improves the problem research in bachelor and master thesis as well as PhD and postdoctoral research forming academic and scientific schools.

  • Мурашова Наталья Сергеевна
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Authors: Murashova Natalya Sergeevna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 87-93
УДК: УДК 378.146.26:374.7
DOI: DOI DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-3-87-93
Keywords: final qualification thesis, social and cultural activities, competencies, student motivation, research activities of students
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