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Specialty of the development of book graphics in England of the Art Nouveau era

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The article is devoted to an interesting and important topic – the English book of the Modern style and the development of book graphics in England. The article gives an overview of the historical context, talks about the development of printing. The author implements a historical approach, while concentrating on the revolutionin publishing, which occurred in the late XIX – early XX century, when it became possible to photomechanically reproduce reproductions of graphic works, which allowed artists to bring the illustrations as close as possible with the original drawing.

  • Бельская Анна Олеговна
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Authors: Belskaya Anna Olegovna
Рубрика: Искусствоведение
Pages: 128-133
УДК: УДК 769.2(410)”18/19”
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-3-128-133
Keywords: culture of England, book graphics, O. Eckmann, P. Behrens, W. Morris, A. Beardsley, A. Rackham, E. Dulak, C. Greenway, W. Crane, K. Nielsen, B. Potter, L. Wayne, C. Ricketts, L. Housman, C. R. Mackintosh
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