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Formation of the ethno-singing environment in Leningrad – St. Petersburg in the second half of the 20th century

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The history of the formation of the ethno-singing environment in Leningrad – St. Petersburg in the second half of the last century requires research and determination of the main directions contributing to its creation. To a large extent, this process was facilitated by the development of the cultural and leisure sphere; the development of a new system of higher and secondary vocational education aimed at training specialists for cultural and leisure institutions, the sphere of folk song performance and vocal pedagogy; the activities of professional collectives and singers. The regulation of this process was carried out by the City House of Folk Art of the Committee for Culture of the Government of Saint-Petersburg. We must not forget about the initiative of the Leningraders, which was manifested in everyday life, in the family, in city parks. Thus, in Leningrad – Saint-Petersburg in the second half of the last century, conditions were created for the formation of an ethno-singing environment that continues to be preserved and successfully developed today.

  • Сивова Вера Матвеевна
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Authors: Сивова Вера Матвеевна
Рубрика: Искусствоведение
Pages: 145-150
УДК: УДК [398.8:784](470.23-25)”19”
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-3-145-150
Keywords: ethno-singing environment, cultural and leisure activities, folk singing education and performance, initiative of Leningraders, House of Folk Art and Leisure
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