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«Doctor Atom» in the context of the genre vector of political opera

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The subject of research in the article is the opera «Doctor Atom» by the contemporary American postminimalist composer John Adams, analyzed in the context of the genre vector of political opera. In the last decades of the twentieth century, we have witnessed the revival of American opera. And to a large extent, this process is associated with minimalism, which introduced a new, accessible musical language, an avant-garde aesthetics of live experimentation and an acute politicization and actualization of opera. Minimalist operas have achieved undeniable international success, transforming the European genre in both content and style. The article traces the various political connotations of the opera «Doctor Atom». The conclusion concludes that all the expressive means of the opera house involved in simultaneity: the documentary libretto and plot of Doctor Atom give an idea of how the opera genre developed in the USA at the turn of the millennium and how, in the process of transformation, it can continue to change

  • Дунпин Ван
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Authors: Dunpin Van
Рубрика: Искусствоведение
Pages: 151-158
УДК: УДК [792.54:32](73)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-3-151-158
Keywords: «Doctor Atomic», John Adams, minimalism, political opera, documentary theater, contemporary American opera, Peter Sellars, American Faust, myth, science fiction
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