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Bibliography of Babur and Baburids

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The article examines the activities of the Zakhiriddin Mohammed Babur International Foundation, created in Uzbekistan. Especially three bibliographic manuals created by Uzbek specialists. The methodology of compiling a bibliographic index «Bibliography of Babur and Baburids», prepared by joint efforts of Uzbek and Russian scientists, is considered in detail. The fruitfulness of international cooperation of Uzbek scientists in the preparation of an index dedicated to the writer, poet, scientist and commander Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur, the founder of the Baburid dynasty in India, who became a statesman in the history of this country, was noted. He emphasized his role as one of the famous historians of the world, the creator of the work «Babur-name», written in the Uzbek language. The ways of studying foreign literature about his life and work by Uzbek scientists are outlined.

  • Байтураев Тойчибай Досатович
  • Рустамхўжаев Ш. Ш. (тузувчилар). «Жаҳон маданияти ва Бобур» музейидаги адабиётлар библиографияси: 2010 йил 31 март ҳолатига кўра / Бобур халқаро жамоат фонди. Тўлдирилган ва тузатилган 2-нашри. [Андижон], [2012]. 148 с.
  • Kal’ E. F. (comp.). Persian, Arabic and Turkic manuscripts of the Turkestan Public Library. Tashkent: typ. District headquarters, 1889. [2], 79 (in Russ.).
  • Рустамхўжаев Ш. Ш. (тузувчилар), Бердиева З. Ш. (тузувчилар); Жалилов С. (масъул муҳаррир). Бобур ва Бобурийлар библиографияси / Бобур Халқаро Фонди. [Андижон]: «Andijon nashrijot-matbaa» МЧЖ, 2014. 481, [1].
  • ердиева З., Маматраимова Ҳ., Зокирова Т., Эраҳмедова О. Библиография: (умумий библиография): маданият коллежлари учун ўқув қўлланма. Тошкент: Ўқитувчи, 2007. 207.
  •  Rustamkhuzhaev Sh. Sh. (comp.). Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur. Baburids: bibliography / Russ. acad. sciences, Inst. of Linguistics, Intern. the Babur Foundation. M.:  Izd-vo vost. lit., 2016. 1181, [2] (in Russ.).
Authors: Bayturayev Toychibay Dosatovich
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 172-175
УДК: УДК 01(091)(5)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-3-172-175
Keywords: Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur, Baburids, bibliography of Babur and Baburids, personal bibliographic index, Babur-name, poetry of the East
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