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Review on Anna A. Suvorova’s dissertation “Discourse of Outsider Art in the Culture of the 20th – the early 21st century”

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Review of the official opponent, Doctor in Art History on Anna A. Suvorova’s dissertation “Discourse of Outsider Art in the Culture of the 20th – the early 21st century”, submitted for the degree of Doctor in Art History, the specialty 24.00.01 – Theory and History of Culture (Art History). The experience of comprehending of Outsider Art in the culture of the XXth – the early XXIst century is analyzed in the review of the A. A. Suvorova’s doctoral dissertation. The author notes the possibility of line up a system of concepts and approaches to Outsider Art, which would make it possible to create fundamental adjustments to the interpretation of art in the 20th and the early 21st centuries. The importance of interdisciplinary ties in the study of “borderline” phenomena of art is especially noted, overview into humanities and natural sciences (philosophy, history of psychiatry, religious studies, etc.). The depth of study of this cultural phenomenon in the dissertation is provided not only by knowledge in Art History, but also by the study of medical (psychiatric) materials and descriptions, epistemology of the French philosophical school, etc. Based on innovative approaches to Art studies, it is possible to assume that contacts with the phenomenon of outsiders play a more significant role in the history of modern European Art in modern Art History than was previously thought

  • Якимович Александр Клавдианович
Authors: Jakimovich Aleksandr Klavdianovich
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 183-188
УДК: УДК [7.036”19/20”+7.067](049.32)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2021-3-183-188
Keywords: Outsider Art, discourse, discourse analysis, Art Philosophy, Art Theory, History of Culture, Art History
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