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On the twentieth anniversary of the publication of the collection «Censorship in Russia: history and modernity»

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

Since 2001 The Russian National Library, together with the Institute of the History of Natural Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is working on the publication of a collection of scientific papers «Censorship in Russia: History and Modernity. Along with research on the history of censorship in pre-revolutionary Russia and in the Soviet Union, the collection presents work on topical issues of today, including the restriction of freedom of speech in the electronic environment, on the problems of the «information society». Along with research articles, documents, bibliographic and reference materials, and reviews are published. The materials of the collection cover more than two centuries of Russian history. The publication unites researchers whose interests are related to the study of the history of censorship in Russia and the Soviet Union. Its typological and thematic features are a multidimensional reflection of the research topic, a wide source base, a variety of genres of published materials, the participation of specialists from domestic and foreign scientific institutions.

  • Патрушева Наталья Генриховна
  • 1. Censorship in Russia: history and modernity: coll. sci. art. Saint-Petersburg, 2001. 1, 271 (in Russ.).
  • 2. Censorship in Russia: history and modernity: coll. sci. art. Saint-Petersburg, 2005. 2, 288 (in Russ.).
  • 3. Censorship in Russia: history and modernity: coll. sci. art. Saint-Petersburg, 2006. 3, 322 (in Russ.).
  • 4. Censorship in Russia: history and modernity: coll. sci. art. Saint-Petersburg, 2008. 4, 488 (in Russ.).
  • 5. Censorship in Russia: history and modernity: coll. sci. art. Saint-Petersburg, 20011. 5, 448 (in Russ.).
  • 6. Censorship in Russia: history and modernity: coll. sci. art. Saint-Petersburg, 2013. 6. 576 (in Russ.).
  • 7. Censorship in Russia: history and modernity: coll. sci. art. Saint-Petersburg, 2015. 7, 504 (in Russ.).
  • 8. Censorship in Russia: history and modernity: coll. sci. art. Saint-Petersburg, 2017. 8, 560 (in Russ.).
  • 9. Censorship in Russia: history and modernity: coll. sci. art. Saint-Petersburg, 2019. 9, 761 (in Russ.).
  • 10. Censorship in Russia: history and modernity: coll. sci. art. Saint-Petersburg, 2021. 10 (1), 442; 10 (2), 422 (in Russ.).
  • 11. Conferences devoted to the history of censorship in Russia. Censorship in Russia: history and modernity: coll. sci. art. Saint-Petersburg, 2001. 1, 265–268 (in Russ.).
  • 12. Tax Choldin M. Solanus. New Series. 2006. 20, 79–80.
  • 13. Izmozik V. S. Russian censorship: past and present: rev. of the coll.: Censorship in Russia: History and modernity: coll. sci. art. Iss. 1. SРb., 2001; Iss. 2. SРb., 2005; Iss. 3. SРb., 2006. Clio. 2008. 2, 134–136 (in Russ.).
  • 14. Kosarev S. I. Actual problems of studying the institute of censorship in Russia. Literature, language, periodicals in the life of Russian society and the state (XVIII–XX centuries). Bryansk, 2010. 375–380 (in Russ.).
  • 15. Dewhirst M. Censorship in Russia: History and the Present: Collected Papers. Issue 3, issue 4. Solanus. New Series. 2011. 22, 237–240.
  • 16. Shomrakova I. A., Elyashevich D. A. Studies of the history of censorship in the Russian National Library. Bibliography. 2012. 6, 84–89 (in Russ.).
  • 17. Izmozik V. S. Russian censorship: Past and present: (Censorship in Russia: History and Modernity: coll. of sci. art. Iss. 4. SРb., 2008; Iss. 5. SРb., 2011; Iss. 6. SРb., 2013). Clio. 2014. 6 (90), 150–151 (in Russ.).
  • 18. Izmozik V. S. Russian censorship through the eyes of scientists: rev. of the coll.: Censorship in Russia: history and modernity: coll. sci. art. Iss. 7. SРb.: NLR, 2015; Iss. 8. SРb.: NLR, 2017; Iss. 9. SРb.: NLR, 2019. Klio. 2020. 2 (158), 130–134 (in Russ.).
  • 19. Mamontova G. A. (comp.). Index of the content of the collection of scientific papers «Censorship in Russia: history and modernity» Iss. 1–10, 2001–2021. Censorship in Russia: history and modernity: coll. sci. art. Saint-Petersburg, 2021. 10 (2), 276–302 (in Russ.).
Authors: Patrusheva Natalya Genrihovna
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 178 - 183
УДК: 351.751.5(091)(470)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-1-178-183
Keywords: Censorship in Russia, censorship in the USSR, censorship in the information society, departmental censorship, special storage department, censorship institutions, censors, Russian National Library, Institute of History of Natural Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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