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Ultrahumanism and Russian cosmism

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The article continues a series of publications devoted to the criticism of post humanistic ideas about the future of humanity. The scientific direction of Russian cosmism is considered in the article as an alternative to posthumanism. The specificity of scientific Russian cosmism is shown, which is characterized by the absence of reductionist provisions in research programs, the desire to cover the studied phenomena on a cosmic scale, as well as the synthesis of scientific knowledge and religious and philosophical intuitive comprehension of reality. The concept of B. Onishi is studied, who contrasts the «scientific posthuman» of ultrahumanism with a more moderate version of posthumanism based on the concept of Dasein’s Being-in-the-world by M.  Heidegger. The article shows that the «scientific posthuman» of ultrahumanism is deprived of personal freedom, turns into a permanent reserve for use. A more moderate version of posthumanism leaves a person dependent on information technology and, contrary to the point of view of B. Onishi, deprives him of integrity. The article also shows the dangers that uncontrolled, devoid of deep philosophical understanding, the use of biotechnologies can lead to.

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Authors: Alexandrov Il’ya Yur’evich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 6-11
УДК: [141.33 (=161.1):2-17]:165.74
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-2-6-11
Keywords: Russian cosmism, сultural space, humanism, ultrahumanism, transhumanism, posthumanism
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