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Cinema of Yakutia in the context of the dialog of cultures

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The increasing influence of screen arts on the life of modern society determines the interest of the humanities for their comprehensive study. Cultural comprehension of the screen, imaginative activity, research aimed at the interpretation of screen images, identification of specific features of certain types, forms and directions of visual practices, their genesis are particular relevance. The research of the prerequisites for the formation of the Yakut cinema is based on the philosophical concept of the dialogue of cultures by V. S. Bibler and the psychological theories of L. S. Vygotsky, who using the culturalhistorical approach approves the interrelation of language (sign) and the formation of consciousness. This perspective allows to reveal similarity of processes of «spinning» (the term that L. S. Vygotsky used to refer to the process of transferring external forms into internal structures) of new cultural forms and phenomena and mastering of speech as ability of self-expression. Using the notions of «interiorization» and «exteriorization» the specifics of the Yakut cinema development are revealed – from the stage of mastering a film form to the subsequent translation of the Yakut culture meanings into the language of film forms. The history of cinema formation in the republic, considered from the perspective of dialogue of cultures, allows to take a new look at the process, highlighting the key stages not in terms of diachronicity but in terms of their importance on the way of formation of a specific cultural phenomenon, based on folklore tradition and expressed in stylistic originality, thematic orientation, approach to visual means.

  • Ляпкина Татьяна Федоровна
  • Красильникова Гела Алексеевна
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Authors: Lyapkina Tatiana Fedorovna
Krasilnikova Gela Alekseevna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 82-89
УДК: 791(571.56)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-2-82-89
Keywords: cinema of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, dialogue of cultures, history of Yakut cinema, interiorization, exteriorization, traditional culture
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