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The influence of fashion on the development of creative industries

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Modern fashion is interpreted as the sphere of generating ideas and their embodiment in material samples. One of the main roles in this process is played by intellectual capital. Which, in the conditions of the crisis of modern socio-economic policy, is considered as a productive and alternative option for the resource-based economy of capital. This fact has been embodied in the development of the creative economy, in the phenomenon of creative industries, which include the fashion industry, design, advertising and other creative areas. The issue of the influence of fashion, its trends and practical developments on creative spheres acquires a significant role. In particular, the phenomenon of greening as a trend of modern fashion significantly affects the development of creative ideas, consumer culture, and production. This process is embodied in eco-tourism, architecture, interior design, popularization of crafts and craft technologies. Also, the fashion industry is a sphere for the realization of the creative potential of young people and its socialization.

  • Яковлева Мария Викторовна
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  • Khestanov R. Creative Industries — Models of Development. Sociological Review. Moscow, 2018. 17 (3), 173–196 (in Russ.). 
  • Nikitina I. What are creative industries? RBC Trends. 2019. Nov. 22. URL: https://trends.rbc.ru/trends/ innovation/5dd54dbf9a79471180f57ce7 (accessed: Apr. 17.2022) (in Russ.). 
  • Karas L. Creativity is equal to business: what are creative industries and how to start developing in them. Theories and Practices: website. 2021. July 23. URL: https:// theoryandpractice.ru/posts/19183-tvorchestvo-ravno- biznes-chto-takoe-kreativnye-industrii-i-kak-nachat-v- nikh-razvivatsya (accessed: Mar. 31.2022) (in Russ.).
Authors: Yakovleva Mariya Viktorovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 116-120
УДК: 658.512.2:338.467.6
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-2-116-120
Keywords: fashion, fashion industry, creative industry, eco-trends, youth brands
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