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Linguadidactic interpretation of John Du Bois’ stance triangle

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The relevance of this research is explained by the importance of developing a methodology for teaching foreign postgraduate students to express an authorial stance in a scientific text, which would contribute to the formation of the skills necessary for writing a Ph.D. dissertation. It has been suggested that the basis of the proposed methodology could be the «stance triangle» model of John W. Du Bois in which the subject of creative activity (an author) interacts with other subjects and referential object toward which the stance is being directed. The purpose of this article is a linguodidactic interpretation of the Du Bois’ stance triangle. The main research method is modeling the process of teaching foreign postgraduate students how to express an authorial stance based on the Du Bois’ concept. The results of the study are as follows: 1. Du Bois’ stance triangle is adapted to the conditions of teaching the Russian language to foreign postgraduate students. 2.  The peculiarities of the subject as a reader and as an author are revealed. 3.  Three components are established in the explanation of the authorial stance in a scientific text whereby a subject takes a stance by expressing an attitude, positioning himself, and aligning with other subjects. 4. The linguodidactic advantages of using the adapted triangle as a learning tool are established. 5.  A model for teaching foreign postgraduate students-linguists to express the authorial stance in a scientific text has been built. It includes three parts and is aimed at forming the concept of the authorial stance and knowledge of the means of its expression in a scientific text, the skills of understanding and writing a linguistic text with an expressed authorial stance.

  • Гу Айин
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Authors: Gu Aiying
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 122-128
УДК: 378.147.5:811.161.1’42
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-2-122-128
Keywords: Russian language, teaching methodology, scientific text, authorial stance, stance expression, stance triangle, J.W. Du Bois, teaching model
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