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Music еducation in non-сentral regions of Russia: сrisis of goals

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To decentralize the music education in Russia, it is necessary to find a way to expand the job market by creating new jobs in non-central regions, which can be achieved by developing the cultural infrastructure. In many regions of Russia, young musicians do not have the possibility to do the full cycle of music education; as a result, they are constrained to leave their hometowns and study in large cultural centers, then find a job there. This process leads to cultural impoverishment in minor towns of Russia, which reduces the motivation to pursue a professional training in music arts. This situation reflects general tendencies in the development of education in times of crisis: the goals are unclear, and the potential demand for many professions may decrease in the future. A measure that could help prevent the crisis would be developing education in humanities to increase the quality of life for the entire society and grow human capital.

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Authors: Ivonina Lyudmila Fyodorovna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 129-135
УДК: 371:78(470)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-2-129-135
Keywords: music education, music arts, professional education, music culture in non-central regions
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