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Praxiological approach to the organization of ethno-singing activity of a student in the University of Culture

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Ethno-singing activity in modern culture is conditioned by objective processes related to the effectiveness of pedagogical technologies and the prospects of folk vocal performance, which makes it necessary to generalize pedagogical experience and requires the development of new strategies in the field of ethno-local education aimed at training a professional – a versatile, highly educated person capable of successfully acting in modern culture. The praxiological model of the organization of ethno-singing activity contributes to increasing the productivity of the student’s educational activity, corresponding to the norms and rules of folk singing, possessing such qualities as validity, expediency, rationality. The purpose of organizing the student’s ethno-singing activity based on a praxiological approach is to increase the professional level of students’ ethno-singing practical skills, their effectiveness, knowledge of ethnovocal pedagogy and proficiency in singing technique. The singing activity of students is the main one in the formation of the professional qualities of the future teacher of folk singing. The praxiological approach assumes the expediency of actions, the correspondence of vocal training to the natural data of the student, time, place of training.

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Authors: Shastina Tat’yana Vladimirovna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 146-152
УДК: 378.147.88:784.4
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-2-146-152
Keywords: ethnovocal education, praxology, ethnopsychic activity, folklore, the art of oral tradition, pedagogical technology
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