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Alexander Ivanovich Krasovsky – librarian of the Imperial Public Library

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The name of Alexander Ivanovich Krasovsky – the odious censor of the Nikolaev era – is well known to the enlightened reader. Like anecdotes, there are his unfounded nit-picking of writers and poets of the first quarter of the 19th century, interference in the personal lives of subordinates, the desire to suspect and exterminate sedition in the most harmless statements. At the same time, his impeccable service in the Imperial Public Library for 23 years, his participation in the solemn opening of the Imperial Public Library for readers on January 2 (14), 1814, and the preparation of reports for the first years of its activity remain in the shadow. Krasovsky’s role as one of the founders of reader studies and recommendatory bibliography in the first national library of Russia, its first historiographer deserves special attention.

  • Михеева Галина Васильевна
  • Krasovsky Alexander Ivanovich. Encyclopedic Dictionary: ed. Brockhaus and Efron. Saint-Petersburg, 1895. 16a (32), 566 (in Russ.).
  • Skabichevsky I. M. Essays on the history of Russian censorship (1700–1863). Saint-Petersburg, 1892. 495 (in Russ.). 
  • Nagibin Yu. M. Suffering of the censor Krasovsky. Youth. 1988. 4, 44–49 (in Russ.). 
  • Krasovsky A. I. Notes on observations of health, sleep, weather and similar subjects: A. I. Krasovsky’s diary of 1848. Russian antiquity. 1874. 9, 1, 126–140 (in Russ.). 
  • Mikheeva G. V. Krasovsky Alexander Ivanovich. Employees of the Russian National Library – workers of science and culture: biogr. dict. Saint-Petersburg, 1995. 1, 290–292 (in Russ.). 
  • Mikheeva G. V. Alexander Ivanovich Krasovsky – librarian of the Public Library. Book: research and materials. Moscow, 1998. 75, 240–245 (in Russ.). 
  • Grech N. I. Obituary. Son of the Fatherland. 1825. 47, 4, 427–434 (in Russ.). 
  • Department of Archival Documents of National Library of Russia. F. 1. Op. 1. 1810. 57, 86 (in Russ.). 
  • Imperial Public Library for a hundred years, 1814–1914. Saint-Petersburg, 1914. 482 (in Russ.). 
  • Grin Ts. I., Tretiak A. M. The public library through the eyes of contemporaries (1795–1917): reader. Saint-Petersburg, 1998. 624 (in Russ.). 
  • Regulations on the management of the Imperial Public Library. Acts relating to the new formation of the Imperial Library. Saint-Petersburg, 1812. 5–12 (in Russ.). 
  • Golubeva O. D. A. N. Olenin. Saint-Petersburg, 1997. 191 (in Russ.). 
  • Description of the grand opening of the Imperial Public Library, the former January 2, 1814, with the works read during it and various information related to this case, to which the historical news about this book depository is attached. Saint-Petersburg, 1814. 206 (in Russ.). 
  • Krasovsky A. I. Brief discussion about the benefits of human knowledge and the need for public book depositories for each well-organized state. Description of the grand opening of the Imperial Public Library ... Saint-Petersburg, 1814. 20–51 (in Russ.). 
  • Report in the management of the Imperial Public Library ... for 1814. Saint-Petersburg, 1815. 63 (in Russ.). 
  • Saint-Petersburg Vedomosti. 1816. 3; 1817. 3 (in Russ.). 
  • Northern Post. 1816. 3; 1817. 3 (in Russ.). 
  • Report in the management of the Imperial Public Library ... for 1817. Saint-Petersburg, 1818. 180, 4 (in Russ.). 
  • Vaneev A. N. The development of library science in Russia XI – early XX century. Saint-Petersburg, 2018. 346 (in Russ.). 
  • History of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library. Leningrad, 1963. 435 (in Russ.). 
  • Mikheeva G. V. Departmental system in the Imperial Public Library (historical essay). Clio. 2018. 2, 147–154 (in Russ.). 
  • Krasovsky A. I. Historical news about the beginning of the increment and the current state of the Imperial Public Library. Description of the grand opening of the Imperial Public Library ... Saint-Petersburg, 1814. 153–206 (in Russ.). 
  • Mikheeva G. V. History of the Russian National Library (traditions, approaches, modern research trends). Bibliography. 2020. 3, 3–18 (in Russ.). 
  • Public library and culture. Three centuries of history: documents, materials, research. St. Petersburg, 2006. 1, 244 (in Russ.). 
  • Krasovsky A. I. Information about the persons who acted in the last Polish rebellion. Department of manuscripts of National Library of Russia. F. 393. 26, 1 (in Russ.). 
  • Sobolshchikov V. I. Memoirs of an old librarian. Historical Bulletin. 1889. 38, 10, 70–92 (in Russ.).
Authors: Mikheeva Galina Vasil’evna
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 168-176
УДК: 027.54(470.23-25)(092)”18”
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-2-168-176
Keywords: A. I. Krasovsky, Imperial Public Library, National Library of Russia, history of librarianship, reader studies, censorship
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