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Performative practices in the design of national identity images

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The article examines the phenomenon of national identity as a performance. Performance of national identity is ways in which the nation is (re)produced, from state-sanctioned ceremonies to the quotidian acts. Performance is a useful metaphor since it allows to look at the ways in which identities are enacted and reproduced. Performance continually reconstitutes national identity by rehearsing and transmitting meanings. The notion of performance also foregrounds identity as dynamic, as always in the process of production. The nation continues to be an influential category for defining a community based on language, territory, and a common past. Art, science, politics, economics are painted with a specific national flavor. National cultures in the global world strive for a universal human context on the one hand. On the other hand, to the definition of national identity. National identity is performative. National identity is a process consisting of many events, both official and every day.

  • Антонян Карина Георгиевна
  • Соколова Нина Александровна
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Authors: Антонян Карина Георгиевна
Соколова Нина Александровна
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 6-11
УДК: 323.1:316.7
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-3-6-11
Keywords: performance, identity, performativity, performance of identity, national identity, performative turn
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