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Municipal museum in shaping the cultural landscape of the city

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The article is devoted to the role of the municipal museum in changing and presenting the cultural landscape of the historical part of the urban environment of modern Ulan-Ude with the help of exposition-exhibition, cultural-educational and project activities, including grant activities. The formation of the museum fund is considered in the process of gradual museumification of the building - a monument of history, architecture and urban planning of regional significance, which was given over to the museum with the assistance of the City Administration, which indicates the interest of the mayor’s office in the emergence of a municipal museum in the capital of Buryatia. The close relationship of the historical past of the city with the modern architectonics of the urban environment and the lapidarity (conciseness) of the museum’s stock collections is revealed. Attention is also paid to the issue of establishing the status of a museum, either a memorial museum or a museum-estate, which requires further careful study and justification.

  • Изыкенова Ирина Тимофеевна
  • Мишакова Оксана Эдуардовна
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Authors: Изыкенова Ирина Тимофеевна
Мишакова Оксана Эдуардовна
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 45-51
УДК: 069(571.54-25):[069.5:911.53]
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-3-45-51
Keywords: municipal museum, city, historical environment, cultural landscape, historical monument, museumification, exposition
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