научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Archaeology at the St. Petersburg State Roerich family Museum and Institute

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

for museum theorists and practitioners is to increase the relevance, attractiveness and accessibility of archaeological materials to mass museum viewers. This is achieved by applying new methods of designing exhibitions and expanding traditional knowledge of the information potential of an archaeological source. The practical use of these techniques can be analyzed with the example of the exposition activity of the museum-institute of the Roerich family in Saint Petersburg.

  • Крук Юлия Васильевна
  • 1. Mazaeva-Kanenga A. K. Relevance of Roerich’s legacy in modern society: Roerich Family Museum’s work based sociological observation. Works of Saint Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts. 2014. 20, 51–58 (in Russ.).
  • 2. Kamenskij S. Ju. Archaeological heritage: on the way to reviving the past. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. 2008. 2 (66), 176–180 (in Russ.).
  • 3. Dolak Ya. Museum exposition-museum communication. Questions of museology. 2010. 1, 106–117 (in Russ.).
  • 4. Andreev V. M. Archaeological heritage’s interpretativeness and its museum presentation. Fundamental Research. 2014. 11 (1), 195–200 (in Russ.).
  • 5. Zhukova A. V. The possibilities of applying the socio-archaeological approach in the museum exposition. Modern concepts of primitive history: Problems of interpretation of archaeological monuments in the expositions of historical, local history and archaeological museums. Moscow, 2000. 46–49 (Proceedings of the State Historical Museum; 113) (in Russ.).
  • 6. Shaposhnikova L. V. N. K. Roerich as a thinker and cultural historian. Tver Regional Roerich Public Organization. URL: https://www.toroo.ru/ biblioteka/l-v-shaposhnikova-filosofiya-kosmicheskojrealnosti?start=3 (accessed: June 14. 2021) (in Russ.).
  • 7. Korotkina L. V. Roerich in St. PetersburgPetrograd. The Museum of N. K. Roerich’s estate in Izvara. URL: http://www.roerich-izvara.ru/roerich-life/ roerich-in-peterburg-40.htm (accessed: June 14. 2021).
  • 8. Maystrovskaya M. T. Compositional trends and forms of museum architecture, theory and exposition practice of the late twentieth century. Decorative Art and environment. Gerald of the MGHPA / Moscow State Acad. of Applied Art and Design named after Sergei Stroganov. 2018. 4 (1), 11–31.
Authors: Kruk Yulia Vasil’evna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 58-62
УДК: [069:929Рерих(470.23-25)]:[069.53:902]
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-3-58-62
Keywords: Roerich family Museum-Institute, archaeological exposition, attractiveness, exposition design method
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