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Epic theater: cultural and culturological parallels

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The purpose of the article is to identify cultural and cultural parallels between the Yakut storytelling of the Olonkho and the theatrical cultures of the East and West. The work compares the cultural features of B. Brecht’s «epic theater», traditional Chinese theater and Yakut storytelling, which belong to different eras and cultures. Based on this analysis, the idea is put forward that Yakut storytelling can be considered as a model of epic theater, since it is inherent in the signs of the indicated theatrical system. This creates a new perspective in its study as a phenomenon of culture and allows to show the importance of Olonkho in the search for new communicative models in the form of theatrical art.

  • Ляпкина Татьяна Федоровна
  • Маркова Мария Маркеловна
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  • 7. Gaida I. V. Theater of the Chinese people. Moscow: Znanie, 1959. 32 (in Russ.). 
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Authors: Lyapkina Tatiana Fedorovna
Markova Maria Markelovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 80-85
УДК: [792:398.22(=512.157)]+[792(430)”1898/1956”+792(510)]
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-3-80-85
Keywords: theatrical traditions, epic theater, alienation effect, storyteller, spectator, fourth wall, actor, Olonkho
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