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Myth and the aspects of mythological thinking in the history of European culture

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Myth plays a significant role in the history of European culture, influencing its forming and developing. Notably, the myth appears not only as a cluster of literary subjects, but also as a particular way of world reception and thinking. Thus, often mythological subjects and archetypes constitute the basis for several types of creative works, enter psychological and philosophical theories, become parts of political and ideological discourses, mass media, commercial. However, the inner codes of the myth which constitute it as a phenomenon of consciousness, seem to be inherent to all these cultural fields as well. In this paper, several aspects of a mythological consciousness are examined, using the examples of diverse cultural phenomena within religion, philosophy, literature, and art. The investigation is based on the time from Renaissance to 2010s.

  • Харитонова Мария Алексеевна
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Authors: Kharitonova Maria Alekseevna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 128-134
УДК: 130.2:2-264
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-3-128-134
Keywords: myth, mythological world view, European culture, episteme, pictorial turn, H. U. Gumbrecht
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